Help & Advice Arranging a Funeral

Arranging a funeral

Once you have chosen your funeral director you can contact us via telephone, email or come into the funeral home and you will be met by one of the Simon Barningham Funeral Directors experienced arrangers who will welcome you into a private room to discuss your arrangement. We are happy for several members of the family to attend with you and can also arrange a home visit or a suitable location should that be easier for you. There is no rush or pressure for you to make all the decisions there and then, we will take everything at your pace and offer as much or as little support and guidance as you require.

You will have the contact details of your personal funeral arranger and funeral director from Simon Barningham Funeral Directors who you can be in contact with as often as you need to, to discuss any element of the funeral arrangements; date, day, time, cortege route, visiting, vehicles, orders of service, flowers, memorial masonry, keepsakes, travel logistics and the order of the service. Thing like where to park and where mourners should go and if they should wait etc. 

You will meet the funeral director who will be leading the service prior to the day of the funeral who can answer any last minute questions you have and provide you with the reassurance that we have everything in hand.

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